Earth’s energy imbalance, a key measure global warming, has doubled in the past 20 years, raising concerns about how much ...
Under climate change, the Arctic is warming between 2.5 and 4 times faster than the rest of the world, and permafrost is ...
Using a telescope perched on a mountain in Arizona, scientists have managed to take snapshots of Jupiter's active moon Io — ...
Researchers find ancient crystals that appear to show that Earth had freshwater earlier than what was first thought, ...
Some of the world's animals produce ear-splitting sounds — and some the loudest out there may come as a surprise.
An international team of astronomers has performed follow-up observations of a nearby alien world known as TOI-1685 b.
If aliens are truly trying to get to Earth, only one type would be able to get here, according to a Harvard astrophysicist.
This 2018 astronaut photo shows the rust-colored waters of Madagascar's Betsiboka River winding through a complex series of ...
An ‘alumni” band sued by Earth Wind & Fire has agreed to pay $750,000 in damages after a judge found it committed trademark ...
So, in the words of Simon Le Bon (and now David Attenborough)… "This is Planet Earth". Enjoy!
June is the month for roses, and the Territorial Women’s Rose Garden in Prescott has nearly three hundred varieties. Almost ...