While maple trees can be a beautiful addition to a yard, not all of them are worth the effort -- some, like the amur maple tree, can even cause some big problems. While its red, orange ...
Maple species are among the most-loved and stress-free tree options you can get. In particular, the amur maple tree (Acer ...
but trees like the Korean pine (the ‘tree of life’ and a major source of pine nuts), and wild ginseng, a traditional medicinal plant. Many of the forest areas in the Amur-Heilong region remain largely ...
In Syracuse, perhaps the greatest variety of trees with good fall color and that are also most accessible for viewing can be found in Oakwood Cemetery, including large red and white oaks, hickories, ...
Historically, nature has used trees to turn carbon dioxide back into oxygen for use by living creatures. The trees play a vital role in the carbon cycle, and have done so for millennia.
One was ripped out of its soil. The other was taken, pot and all. The trees helped keep the couple's spirits high during a major health scare.
Not many people ever see an Amur leopard in the wild. Not surprising, as there are so few of them, but a shame considering how beautiful they are. Thick, luscious, black-ringed coats and a huge furry ...
A: Maple trees are very susceptible to cracks in the trunk and bark, and trees growing in heavy clay soil, such as in the Red ...
Steve Nix is a member of the Society of American Foresters and a former forest resources analyst for the state of Alabama. Opposite leaves are just what they sound like: the leaves, whether ...
Every tree tells a story, but some are beyond eloquent, holding memories, embodying belief, marking sorrow. We hold trees in our imagination, where they grow in strange, wonderful ways in forests ...
It isn’t a fair fight. Vermont, about 9,600 square miles, has maple as the “official state flavor” and boasts of more than six million sugar maple and red maple trees on tap.
These small trees are a sign that maple trees are responding to our changing climate. It doesn’t have experts so much concerned, as it does have them wondering how repeated years of heavy rains ...