A squirrel was spotted water-skiing at a shopping centre in the US and onlookers were left speechless - with one declaring it ...
Indeed, in his recent commencement address at Morehouse College, Biden reiterated the core belief of the soft-on-crime crowd ...
The American Bloods, Kaag explains, descend from Thomas Blood, who stole the British crown jewels because his land in Ireland was unjustly taken from him. His descendants would refuse to pay taxes in ...
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles are a relic of a bygone era. Not only are they fiscally unsustainable, but they also ...
Some call it free fertilizer, rich in nutrients. Others say sludge shouldn’t be used due to threats from toxic “forever ...
Quality Journalism for Critical Times Eighty years ago today, in the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, the largest ...
"When it spat it out, I looked at it and remarked 'What the hell is that?'" one student recalled of what could be a ...
Having spent four years serving as a Russian linguist in the Army Security Agency during the Vietnam War, I returned home disillusioned with people. I found solace in nature and ...
The northern snakehead, which is native to Asia and Africa, is considered an aggressive predator in U.S. ecosystems.
Asset manager Mirova and the non-profit Rainforest Alliance have signed an agreement to scale up regenerative agriculture and sustainable land use projects across Africa, Latin America and Asia, ...
T he season is entering June, and with a new month of baseball to be played there is a fresh Baseball America top 100 update ...