If you’re agonizing over what might happen in this November’s presidential election, consider the wisdom of ancient Stoic ...
Researchers extracted parasitic DNA from preserved teeth and bones, revealing how malaria spread across the globe in a new ...
Aristotle, the renowned ancient Greek philosopher, counseled his followers that moderation should be their guiding principle ...
The Moon-Eyed People is a fascinating enigma rooted deep in the mythology and folklore of the southeastern United States.
What do you get when you cross Norse mythology with a 78-million-year-old ancestor to the Triceratops? Answer: Lokiceratops ...
Builders uncovered an ancient Native American village while digging for a new development in North Carolina, sparking a ...
Considered the "mother culture" of many other cultures that appeared in the region in later years, Olmec artworks are considered among ancient ... Aztec culture and history is primarily known ...
The nothosaurus vertebra found in this study dates back to when present day New Zealand was located on the southern polar ...
It's pretty amazing: bones from thousands of years ago yielded traces of malaria parasites. Disease historians are surprised ...
A graffiti made by a shepherd in ancient Greece has helped archaeologists uncover a long-standing mystery about the history ...
The Temple of Bel stands in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, adjoining a desert oasis with palm trees and bountiful water.
The Mesopotamians kept the earliest records of goods traded and received and these activities are related to the early record-keeping of the ancient ... migrated to America with European colonization.