At Pompeii, numerous artifacts and structures have been found, offering an intriguing glimpse of another time. After the ...
For hundreds of years, Pompeii remained buried under its volcanic blanket. It was rediscovered in the late 16th century, and ...
A mysterious 'Blue Room' was found in the ruins of Pompeii, featuring rare frescoes and artifacts that reveal insights into ...
An ornate "blue room," distinguished by depictions of female figures on the cerulean-painted walls, was newly excavated by ...
Archaeologists recently unearthed a rare shrine from the ruins of Pompeii, officials said. The room, which is decorated with ...
They may be nearly 6,000 miles apart and they may focus on material separated by thousands of years, but the Archaeological Park of Pompeii and the Aspen Art Museum are coming together on a show.
Archeologists discovered an ancient room in Pompeii brimming with distinctive artistry. The room is covered in painted female figures, and features a rare blue color adorning the walls.
They found an ancient artifact →Farmer picks up 'trash' in field — then realizes he's holding rare Viking weapon Its walls are painted blue, a color rarely included in the frescoes of Pompeii ...
It has been thousands of years since the eruption of Mount Vesuvius left the Roman city of Pompeii in ruins, but the ancient archaeological site continues to offer new findings. An ornate "blue ...