The robot does a good job of plotting out a drawing on a small scale, with [Tim] using it to outline his name on paper. We’ve featured some other great drawbots before, too, including this nifty ...
We've gathered up some of the best sketching apps so you can spend less time looking and more time drawing. One of the most popular apps for sketching on your Android phone is the aptly named ...
We have no idea why, but since we featured Botiful, the Android-powered telepresence robot a few days ago, the tip line has been awash in robot/Android mashups. Here’s a few of the cool ones.
Today, the little green robot that Google uses as the mascot for Android may be one of the most widely recognizeable logos in the tech industry. But Blok, a former designer at Google that now ...
Researchers at the University of Tokyo built a humanoid robot that can drive a car -- with a few major caveats.
Android "Bot" Mini figure and a slew of other Google-based collectables are back in stock in the updated Dead Zebra online ...
Google’s Android platform is the dominant global mobile operating system for good reason. Here's how to find the right device for you, along with the top Android phones we've tested. I’m one ...
EVE Android is just one player in a growing field of humanoid robots. Financial analysts predict that the market for these ...
We’ve added the Dyson 360 Vis Nav, which we recently reviewed, to The competition. Robot vacuums are feats of engineering. Even a basic bot can keep your floors tidy with little effort on your ...
Robot vacuums have come a long way since their debut more than 20 years ago. In that time these bots have gone from a novelty to a staple household appliance. Some of today's best robot vacuums ...
May 2024 Android phones come in assorted sizes and at various prices, ranging from cheap handsets with modest screens to expensive foldable models that can turn from a tablet into a phone.