Not only do heat pumps work fine in cold weather, they’re still more efficient than gas furnaces in such conditions.
Contractors must be careful when sizing heat pumps for colder climates in order to avoid mold problems and homeowner ...
Every year, peatlands in the Arctic suddenly ignite. Smoldering subterranean fires from the previous summer were thought to ...
A new heat pump system from Quilt, a California-based climate control company ... Star's list of most efficient heat pumps at both warm and cold temperatures. (Heat pumps get less efficient ...
However, concerns about their performance in cold weather have held back some consumers. But that’s changing — thanks to new technology. Learn more about how heat pump technology improvements ...
“Critics of heat pumps will be quick to say that they do not work in cold weather conditions. This is simply untrue. At times, the recorded external temperature fell to below -10°C, and yet the ...
A community in Massachusetts is about to become one of the first in the U.S. to be heated with geothermal, or ground source ...
This is especially true of heat pumps, as certain types just don’t do well in cold weather. Air-source pumps are one of the cheapest options but aren’t the best fit for those living in colder ...
When it comes to geographic location, Woodruff says, “Heat pumps are effective in many geographies but are especially popular in milder climates that don’t have extremely cold or harsh winters ...
Heat pump vs. air conditioner: which is a better option? As electricity costs surge amid what is expected to be one of the ...
Converting home heating systems from natural gas furnaces to electric heat pumps is seen as a way to address climate change ...