Dragon pose is a more restorative version of the dragon lunge and primarily offers a deep hip and groin stretch, helping to ...
Action star JuJu Chan and her movie-director husband Antony Szeto talk about martial arts’ benefits, how to pick the best one ...
Michelle Yeoh just keeps getting better with age. After several decades in Hollywood, the 61-year-old has showcased her ...
Learn more › Martial arts training is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health. As a life-long practitioner, I can confidently say that my experience with Boxing ...
EIGHT youngsters from Blackpool Budokan Martial Arts Academy had a successful day at the WKA professional league tournament in Manchester. The tournament attracts the best of Britain's competitors ...
The Street Fight at Royal Rumble was an in-ring masterpiece. It was the best use of the Attitude Era’s signature ...
The Jedi Knight Academy offers enthusiasts of the Star Wars franchise a chance to learn lightsaber combat in Mexico City. The ...
Webster's definition for a trilogy: "A series of three dramas or literary works or sometimes three musical compositions that are closely related and develop a single theme." Mr. Miyagi teaches ...
Whether it's the calm practice of yoga, the focused strength training at the gym, the energy of running, the structure of ...
Here's a look at the best types of workouts for each zodiac sign ... Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Martial Arts Scorpios are intense and passionate, traits that align well with martial arts.