"If Donald Trump wins the election he's going to take a look at the revenue," a former Trump transition team member told ...
Biden's opponents would not just stall the efforts to fight climate change, they would reverse the progress the Biden ...
Lummis argued the unspent dollars from the climate bill would be better spent in preventing the Social Security fund from ...
His comments came as the world body’s weather agency said it expected Earth to soon surpass the record high temperatures ...
The group, which has ties to Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington, has a $1 million plan for TV spots playing up the president’s ...
You can read the transcript of the interview here and the fact-check here.
U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday congratulated Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his National Democratic Alliance ...
Vice President Harris will travel to Switzerland for the Summit on Peace in Ukraine after Ukrainian President Volodymyr ...
President Biden will depart Tuesday night for France, where he will spend the rest of the week seeking to draw a sharp ...
WASHINGTON — John Podesta was two months into his new role as President Joe Biden’s top climate diplomat when he faced his ...
French President Emmanuel Macron’s office says U.S. President Joe Biden will make his first state visit to France next week ...
U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday congratulated Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his National Democratic Alliance for their election victory to form a new government for a third ...