Health emergencies like heart attacks and cardiac arrests can happen at any point in time. There is no way to predict them until and unless there are noticeable signs long before the occurrence of ...
You maybe in the mood to take a trip this summer to the beach or the pool, and the American Heart Association says it is important to learn CPR if ...
Cardiac arrests can happen anywhere, which is why it's important to be prepared. As a matter of fact, over 350,000 of cardiac arrests happen outside of the hospital every year. When performed ...
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Friday marks the end of CPR and AED Awareness Week. The event is put on by the American Heart Association to raise awareness of the need to always be prepared. “Unfortunately ...
As part of National CPR and AED Week, the American Heart Association is spreading awareness about how to respond to a heart ...
Keeley Wilson, 36, from Rochdale, had to be given CPR and had her heart restarted twice while she was giving birth to her daughter Sophia - she's since suffered from PTSD ...
The business owner witnessed the incident and yelled out to ask if anyone around knew CPR. That’s when Marie stepped forward ...
RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- Dave Brown is lucky to be alive. "I'm a runner and I run almost every day, but I run by myself on the greenway. If this happened yesterday, I wouldn't be here," Brown told ...
Fort Worth police Officer Terrence Parker (left) survived a “widowmaker” heart attack while at the Bob Bolen Public Safety ...
This week is National CPR and AED Awareness Week and the American Heart Association is teaming up with St. Joseph's Health.
According to the American Heart Association, there are more than 356,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests, and in less than ...