You don’t need to be a doctor or first responder to learn basic life support. Medical emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere—and by understanding the fundamentals of basic life support, you can be ...
4th Congressional District candidate Hannah Goodman. Goodman is the current chair of the Colorado Libertarian Party, the largest third party in the state. Goodman’s family has lived in eastern ...
The AHA’s BLS Heartsaver CPR AED course trains participants to give CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner. Reflects science and education from ...
After two recent drownings at Lake Corpus Christi and one close call at Hurricane Alley, we are highlighting a renewed effort to bring awareness to CPR training.
According to a recent report released by the staffing firm Aerotek, almost 70 percent of the 1,500 job candidates they surveyed ... Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says the nursing field is ...
Thousands of Coloradans responding to a survey by their local newsrooms say candidates competing for their votes this year need to be focused primarily on several broad issues: democracy and good ...
CPR as a life skill: The rising cardiac arrest cases in India and how to combat them Sudden cardiac arrest cases rising in India prompt concern from Cardiological Society of India. Immediate CPR ...
Candidates in booming industries like healthcare ... there's plenty of research to back up the benefits of earning a postsecondary degree. According to the BLS, higher degree attainment is linked to ...
Since cardiac emergencies can occur anywhere, including the workplace, many employers require CPR, first aid or basic life ...
(Photo by Hart Van Denburg/CPR News via COLAB) One of the most striking takeaways from the survey so far is how many respondents answered the question of what they want candidates to talk about with ...