Twenty-five years ago, Cardinal Pericle Felici, Pro-Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, solemnly announced to the crowd waiting in St Peter's Square: "Habemus Papam". Twenty-five years ago ...
(Messori, 105) Mary—"Completely a Christian" Fifteen years later, in 2000, Cardinal Ratzinger's reflections about Mary seem more relaxed and reflective, even meditative. Questioned about Mary in ...
Keywords: cardinal joseph ratzinger lumen gentium Larry Chapp Larry Chapp received his doctorate in theology from Fordham University in 1994, with a specialization in the theology of Hans Urs von ...
However Gutierrez, looking back to his many interviews with Ratzinger between 1984/86 ... of the extreme conservative Opus Dei movement, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani. But Gutierrez was not the ...
Preserving authenticity in celebrations of the Sacred Liturgy has been a prominent concern of Pope Benedict XVI (formerly known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) for more than 25 years.
It was therefore considered necessary, with the agreement of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and the Bishops of both Leiria-Fatima and Coimbra, that I meet Sr Lucia in the presence of Rev. Luis Kondor, SVD, ...
Michael Cook (Cardinal Ratzinger)Aaron Courteau (Extra) Andy Awes, Ben Krueger When Pope Francis took over after the shocking resignation of Pope Benedict, the Catholic Church was in the midst of ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Example: cardinal signs. Unfamiliar with this astro term? Think of it as just one way of categorizing each of the signs in the zodiac by various qualities—this time by modality, specifically.