The new ‘transformative’ production method substitutes fossil fuels for biochar made from animal and agricultural waste.
COW MANURE COMPOST $13 a Tractor Bucket or $25 for 2. 9-11 on Sat. Chuck Hill Farm Rt-164, Preston. Call for week day appt. 860-949-2434 The Day's Digital Archive ...
Properly applied gardenia fertilizer will boost your plant's flower power.A gardenia shrub's waxy white flowers fill the air ...
Reducing fertilizer use can help, but crop yields would eventually ... machines that are already being used to transform ...
Monica SandreczkiThe value of manure on North Country farms Cow manure. Photo: Ian Barbour ... O'NEIL: There's a lot more purchased fertilizer needs or you have to find manure from much farther away ...
An expanding USDA program designed to help create more domestically-produced fertilizer is adding a revenue stream to a ...
An air-quality specialist says he expects strategies to reduce cattle methane emissions to greatly expand over the next five ...
Purdue Extension provided a five-session virtual series, Manure Management and Utilization Technologies. Purdue Extension ...
Checklist to consider when assessing tomato leaf curl: Did you add composted manure or raw manure from a cow or horse?
In 6 to 8 weeks one Northeastern U.S. dairy farm appeared to be set for the perfect crime — murder. But first let me lay a ...
A manure spill from a dairy farm in Monroe County caused a fish kill in a nearby creek and tributary.