The following is the May 31, 2024, Congressional Research Service In Focus report, Nuclear-Armed Sea-Launched Cruise Missile ...
The United States Navy has begun developing a new sea-launched nuclear missile to compete with China, despite pushback from ...
Russian submarines armed with long-range, low-yield nuclear cruise missiles are currently sitting in Cuba, targeting U.S.
Russian nuclear submarines launched cruise missiles at targets in the Barents Sea in exercises on Wednesday, as Moscow ...
Walter Pincus asks why the U.S. is building a whole new class of nuclear weapons - and many more of them - while advocating for arms control.
These warheads, as per the report, are distributed across Pakistan’s emerging nuclear triad, which includes aircraft, ...
Russia’s nonstrategic, or “tactical,” nuclear weapons provide its political leadership with flexible and discriminate strike ...
ISLAMABAD: India has been reported by the Stockholm Inter­national Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) to possess more nuclear warheads than Pakistan, albeit by a slim margin of two warheads,for the ...
The questions on how to modify Virginia-class attack submarines to install nuclear-armed sea-launched cruise missiles and ... weapons systems with W76 and W88 warheads until this final ship ...
The European missile conglomerate MBDA is jumping into the burgeoning market for ground-launched cruise missiles with its new ...
The Yasen-M class Kazan’s "most notable" feature is the capability to launch a range of anti-ship and land attack missiles.
The vessels conducted ‘high-precision missile weapons’ training in the Atlantic Ocean, Russia’s defense ministry says.