In addition to the attack on North Ossetia, Russia complained about the drone attack on Russian Dagestan on June 8. Local ...
The Republic of Dagestan (Russia) has just over three million inhabitants. Still, it has 12 fighters in the UFC, the most ...
MOSCOW (AP) — Hundreds of people stormed into the main airport in Russia’s Dagestan region and rushed onto the landing field, chanting antisemitic slogans and seeking passengers arriving on a ...
As Spain announces the delivery of 19 second-hand tanks to Ukraine, how do they stack up against their Russian counterparts?
Derbent is a city in the Republic of Dagestan where about 130000 people live Serguei FomineGlobal Look Press It is no ...
The mandatory school curriculum in Russia’s Dagestan includes the fabrication of trench candles and the weaving of camouflage nets, which will be then sent to the battlefield. Source: Ministry of ...
Taking a quick look at it, you'll say you've seen similar cats in your backyard. However, it is not. This cat is not just ...
“A cop in Russia is not a man’s friend ... Volodin’s lawyer, Patimat Nuradinova, told Mediazona her client believed he was ...
A bitter and bloody war in Ukraine has devastated the country, further isolated Russia from the West and fueled economic insecurity around the world. The departure of the official, who had ...