But the vast majority of these phones don't connect to the global internet. Users have to go to a physical ... the Android-based devices only available in North Korea do look suspiciously similar.
At least three times this June, South Korea’s military said it fired warning shots to repel North Korean soldiers who briefly ...
"We have solved all the elements of intelligent hand phone development such as the device circuit design of the main motherboard, the design of the operating system, and so on," the North Korean ...
North Korea’s recent “filth balloon” offensive against South Korea highlighted the depth of the paranoia in the regime of Kim ...
President Joe Biden initially loosened the restrictions on how Ukraine could use US-provided munitions to give it another ...
The North Koreans along the border, Seoul says, have been installing what appear to be anti-tank barriers, reinforcing roads ...
Seoul, South Korea — South Korea summoned the Russian ambassador to protest the country’s new defense pact with North Korea ...
China appears to be keeping its distance as Russia and North Korea move closer to each other with a new defense pact that ...
Liberty in North Korea Secrecy. Control. Dictatorship. Is that what comes to mind when you think of North Korea? You aren't ...
South Korea summoned the Russian ambassador to protest Russia's new defense pact with North Korea amid rising border tensions ...
Leafletting campaigns by South Korean civilian activists in recent weeks have prompted ... with North Korea if the South ...
South Korean and U.S. officials held an emergency phone call about an upcoming visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to ...