Vladimir Putin’s bloodshed in Ukraine has put a new focus on the network of nuclear bunkers across Europe.Images of ...
Elections for Members of the European Parliament provide us with a timely pretext to look at some of the institutions of the ...
Expanding the single market and fortifying the foundations of democracy across Europe were still critical objectives. But by welcoming Central and Eastern European countries into the European “family, ...
Britain had opened her first offensive in Europe since World War II began. > For the second time in the war a major drive was being undertaken solely through the air.Last week these ...
Many American travelers are not familiar with the underrated cities, islands, and regions near Europe's most popular hot ...
Fine people of Europe, gird your loins and get your Blank Space ready ... “A lot of the Americans who are coming could not point out Lyon on a map,” Caroline Conner Fazeli, an expat from California ...
One of the world’s largest democratic exercises is underway, with some 373 million people across the European Union eligible ...
Today is polling day. The debates have been had, the doors have been knocked on and the campaign leaflets have been printed, ...
The central bank cut its benchmark rate to 3.75% from a record high of 4% at a meeting of the bank's 26-member rate-setting ...
An Irish fast-food company has won a trademark case against McDonald’s over the use of the name ‘Big Mac’ – one of Maccie’s ...
CAEN, France — For almost 80 years, the United States and Europe told themselves that a lasting postwar peace had been won here, in the bloody shallows and sands along 6 miles of Normandy beach.
Today is polling day. The debates have been had, the doors have been knocked on and the campaign leaflets have been printed, ...