In high school, I stumbled across The Journal of a Soul by Pope John XXIII. Besides the knowledge that he convened the Second Vatican Council, was affectionately known as “Good Pope John,” and ...
None of this would have happened without Pope John XXIII “opening the windows” of the church, calling a council and allowing free discussion. The council involved all the bishops of the world ...
John XXIII didn't live to see the impact of the council or even its second session. But his successor, Pope Paul VI, announced at his election that the council would continue, and by the time it ...
There is one aspect of Christianity that Jews, if we are to be honest, must reject, and that Christians, most notably Pope John XXIII, have also begun to reject. It is the concept of rejection ...
Commemorating the April 27, 2014 Canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II April 27, 2014 marks the canonization of John XXIII (1881-1963) and John Paul II (1920-2005). The stamps ...
Holy Immaculate Mary, help all who are in trouble. Give courage to the faint-hearted, console the sad, heal the infirm, pray for the people, intercede for the clergy, have a special care for nuns; may ...
His views on these matters are identical with those of Pope John XXIII, who created the secretariat, & named Bea to head it. It has become a sort of tri-Church authority - Catholic, Protestant ...
The Canadian Press on MSN4d
Today in History for June 3: In 1097, Crusaders recaptured the ancient Christian city of Antioch, in present-day Turkey, from Muslim rule. In 1621, the Dutch West Indies Co. was founded to promote ...
The Paulaner monks must have had a merry Lent that year! When a journalist asked Pope John XXIII how many people worked in the Vatican, he replied: "about half of them." During the Middle Ages ...
Ralph Richardson (Guide)Dirk Bogarde (Bonnie Prince Charlie)Edith Evans (Queen Christina of Sweden)Pope John XXIII (Self)Pope Paul VI (Self)Massimo Serato (Words of Pope John XXIII)Orson Welles ...