Wisconsin, Flag Day
Today is Flag Day, and while Americans typically don't get the day off, it's still a holiday worth celebrating. According to ...
June 14 marks Flag Day, but many Americans aren't aware of the meaning or significance behind the annual observation.
In 1916 Pres. Woodrow Wilson proclaimed June 14 as the official date for Flag Day, and in 1949 the U.S. Congress permanently ...
On this day in history, June 14, 1777, the nation adopted the U.S. flag. Here's more on the history and iterations of the U.S ...
Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. What is the history and symbolism behind the American flag? There are several origin ...
Flag Day commemorates June 14, 1777, when the Continental Congress determined the composition of the nation’s banner: ...
Flag Day is one of those holidays we love to celebrate with stories. Here is the complete coverage from NorthJersey.com.
Flag Day commemorates the anniversary of when America’s flag was designed. Is it the sort of holiday that shuts down ...
Flag Day is a national holiday. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed June 14 as Flag Day. In 1949, President Harry S.