Roses are a staple in many gardens, whether they headline the show or appear as secondary characters. But many experienced ...
There are quite a few plants and flowers that smell bad. Discover which ones to avoid if you want to keep smelly scents out ...
Additionally, they provide essential habitat and food for native pollinators and other wildlife, helping to maintain ...
Their enormous 10- to 12-inch flowers come in shades of red, rose, pink and white. The foliage may be green, burgundy or ...
A tomato plant will have a “main stem” or trunk, branches of leaves that collect sunlight, and flower clusters that ...
G etting to grips with companion planting can be the key to success for a thriving garden. It entails pairing plants together ...
You may also be interested in 5 flowers to plant in June to brighten up your yard this summer and 5 plants to prune in June.
Most Texas SuperStars®, Perennials and Nativars are sun-loving plants. So, choose planting locations carefully. Many also are ...
Gardens everywhere are coming alive during this time of the year. Vegetables, fruits and flowers are all beginning to become ...
A woman from Canada has turned her outdoor living space into a "goth" garden by planting black flowers. The backyard, she ...
When it comes to tasty things to eat from the garden, think beyond tomatoes, cucumbers, squash or green beans. Colorful ...
Late May and June are the months when we frequently see both native and non-native forbs begin to flower in range and pasture ...