I’m hoping the Oru Kayak can add water-sports into the mix. Keeping a kayak isn’t exactly convenient. They’re big, heavy and, thanks to the British weather, can rarely be used outside the warmer ...
After testing Oru’s origami kayak on lakes, rivers ... and that sturdiness means folding and unfolding takes a bit of force. It felt a bit unsettling at first. You’ll likely be concerned ...
Oru Kayaks developed a folding kayak, based off the principles of origami that make kayaking easier and more accessible than ever. Here's what we thought. What if you could bring your kayak ...
If you can't be with your dad in person this Father's Day, send him a gift basket filled with scrumptious cookies and ...
Just inflate and go. We tested the best inflatable kayaks today, with capable and packable award winners from Advanced ...
Oru Kayak creates water crafts using origami techniques so that they can fold for easy portability and storage. The kayaks come in 5 different models to choose from. Pricing for Oru Kayak starts ...
Boating just became much more accessible thanks to Oru Kayak, a 12-foot-long, 26-pound kayak that folds up into a 33 x 29-inch carrying case. Oru Founder Anton Willis came up with the idea after ...
Buying the guy in your life a boat for Father's Day can be costly -- but it doesn't have to be. Oru Kayaks offers a lineup of foldable and easily transportable kayaks that take less than three minutes ...
The Oru Lake Plus folding kayak wasn't a gimmick, it was a fun and fast water toy that amazed ... [+] everyone who saw and used it. It’s a kayak, made out of cardboard. While that sounds a bit ...
Linen is the traditional 12th-anniversary gift, and with good reason. Breezy, natural, and good-looking, it has a myriad of ...
Hosted on MSN27d
The Best Kayaks of 2024
Now proven as a brand, Oru has been churning out and refining the recipe on novel folding hard-sided kayaks since 2013, and the Beach LT Sport is the end beneficiary of all that R&D. As just about ...