Gov. Gavin Newsom is aiding and abetting Big Oil in destroying the planet via climate change. In September, Newsom and ...
California prosecutors joined retailers this year to qualify a ballot initiative that would roll back parts of Proposition 47 ...
to the hand motion to body jitters'. And Timothy Lassley suggested an even more extreme comparison: 'All I hear is Nancy Pelosi voice when Gavin Newsom talks,' he tweeted. But DeSantis did not ...
California is home to one of the most polluted beaches in the country, according to a new study — a stretch of surf so toxic ...
A defiant former Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday blamed everyone but himself for New York’s deadly COVID nursing-home debacle ...
California Governor Gavin Newsom announced the May Revision includes a proposed budget allocation to assist the State in ...
California thought it was awash in funds. Now it's awash in red ink, and the answer may be deeper cuts or giving state ...
Gov. Gavin Newsom might neglect to return his cart if he thought he could get away with it. If he did have the misfortune to ...
Lawmakers and the governor use a fund reserved for labor enforcement to plug budget holes, and leave tens of millions unspent ...
It comes despite Governor Gavin Newsom's claims that he is taking 'aggressive action ... But he vows that he has not 'given up' on the task at hand - and merely asks that he and others be given the ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposes slashing millions from 'public safety' as the Democratic state grapples with a massive ...
Benzinga previously reported on a survey that showed Democratic voters looking at candidates like Michelle Obama, Kamala ...