As Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) faces backlash over California’s budget deficit, he’s also coming under fire for failing to ...
Fast food restaurants in California are having to lay off thousands of workers and hike menu prices to stay open. CABIA ...
His policies to protect consumers at the pump have led to higher gas prices.
Gavin Newsom’s original lawsuit from September that accused five of the world’s biggest oil companies of deceiving ...
Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic lawmakers work to settle their differences over a few key budget cuts to reduce California's ...
Since Gov. Newsom proposed a 28th Amendment one year ago, there has been far more progress on online petitions than in other ...
Wage hikes in California for many fast food workers have left businesses struggling to stay afloat as many have resorted to ...
California lawmakers rejected Gov. Gavin Newsom’s bid to include another $400 million for Pacific Gas & Electric Co. in the ...
Sacramento lawmakers have been bombarded with ads and pitches in support of a ballot proposal that would have the state ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is facing criticism for his proposal to eliminate Medicaid benefit for some disabled immigrants.
() California, the largest state in the nation, finally ranks as the nation’s top home of valuable Fortune 500 companies after a 10 year hiatus. Due to the ...