Qinling pandas were officially recognized as a subspecies in 2005, but the mystery of their brown fur was only resolved ...
Our interest in pandas has always brought out the best and the worst in us. In 1936, a wealthy Manhattan adventurer, Ruth ...
Should they become trapped the giant panda will cover their face with their paws often hiding its eye-patches and curl up. This gesture states that they are scared and/or angry. At close range ...
Westerners first learned of them in 1869 when French missionary Armand David, while in China, laid eyes on a distinctive ... 20 zoos outside China boast giant panda displays.
The giant panda is a firm favourite when we are talking about cute animals, but there is much more to these bears than meets their black-patched eyes. There is much more to these bears than meets ...
However, its defining feature is beyond a doubt its white fur with black on the shoulders, legs, and ears and around the eyes ...
Giant pandas Fu Wa and Feng Yi, which China lent to Malaysia on May 21, 2014 in celebration of the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations, subsequently gave birth to three cubs: Nuan Nuan on Aug 18, ...
On Wednesday, aviation enthusiasts had their eyes peeled on a FedEx flight from Washington to Chengdu via Anchorage. The reason? There were three giant panda bears onboard heading to their new ...
Cue the fanfare! A new set of pandas is headed to the National Zoo later this year. Why do people love these bamboo-munching creatures so much?
But then we immediately turned our eyes toward the future ... Both were born at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan. Bao Li has D.C. roots, though ...
Two-year-old male giant panda Bao Li in his habitat at Shenshuping ... When the cams went live again, she had a new surprise: Her eyes had opened. Jan. 6, 2014: Bao Bao at the Smithsonian's ...