All of today’s captive Przewalski’s horses are descendants from just 13 of these ancestors that produced offspring. A formal ...
A genetic analysis of ancient horses reveals that breeding techniques developed by people in the Pontic-Caspian steppes ...
Princess Anne showed off her expert equestrian skills when the horse she was riding got jittery at Trooping the Colour's ...
Horse owners Tom Ryan and Mike Repole urge caution over Kentucky racing getting too strong, though Kentucky Sen. Damon Thayer ...
3. Understand breeding is a process, and a mare’s cycle is about 21 days, so often multiple appointments are needed even when ...
Research shows all domestic horses trace back to the Russian steppes. Widespread use started 4,200 years ago, enhancing trade ...
University of Minnesota researchers have successfully mapped the complete genome of the endangered Przewalski's horse. Once ...
This study clarifies the history of horse domestication, revealing it happened twice. Initially, horses were domesticated in ...
In a triumph for conservation, seven endangered Przewalski’s horses—the planet’s last truly wild horse species—have been ...
Two owners share videos of a mare and a stallion that they say could be endangered Przewalski horses in Utah and Colorado.
Horse power may have revved up about four millennia ago.
Once extinct in the wild, these primitive horses are being prepared for eventual release in the land of their ancestors.