The executive action is expected to protect undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation and allow them to work ...
California has run a modest-size program to help immigrant children unaccompanied by parents. Legislators may kill it to save ...
Reviving threats from 2016, the former president has pledged to deport the country’s estimated 11 million undocumented ...
Mexican authorities are using a simple but harsh tactic to deal with migrants trying to get to the U.S. They're wearing them ...
Three dozen New York City youth and immigration organizations signed onto a letter Wednesday to demand Mayor Adams allocate ...
Fighting for the American Dream U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) introduced legislation to ensure transparency, ...
Tom Cotton (R-AR) introduced a bill on Wednesday to ban birthright citizenship for children born to illegal immigrants while ...
SB 4, which the ACLU called one of the most extreme pieces of anti-immigrant legislation ever enacted, would give Texas ...
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) blasted the Biden administration for suing Oklahoma over its new law that allows police to arrest ...
Ashly Trejo Mejia is eager to attend medical school, but she’s not sure she can pursue that dream because of an upcoming ...
What if you’re looking for a job on the street and a police officer comes and asks you for your papers?” “Can someone with papers get in trouble for giving a ride to someone who doesn’t have them?” ...
Both Democrats and Republicans have criticized the order, which limits asylum requests when illegal border crossings ramp up.