Indonesia's President-elect Prabowo Subianto has no plans to boost the country's public debt to 50% of gross domestic product ...
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics urged the messaging service Telegram to put a halt to the spread of online ...
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia has shut down more than 2 million websites offering illegal online gambling services, the ...
The factor that forged our landslide victory was that we have a tangible vision for the future of our country, representing ...
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno promoted Indonesia's tourism to residents of the Middle East ...
A court on the Indonesian tourist island of Bali has began the trial of an Australian man who faces up to 12 years in prison ...
A hydroelectric project in the Indonesian part of Borneo is forging ahead despite recent setbacks, including the withdrawal ...
Indonesia’s President-elect Prabowo Subianto plans to fund his spending promises by steadily increasing the debt ratio to its ...
Indonesian President Joko Widodo says construction of the first phase of the country’s ambitious new capital is 80% complete ...
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia's defeated presidential candidate Anies Baswedan announced he will run for Jakarta governor in ...