The appeals court judge ruled that the emergency medical condition prompting Baby K's returns to the hospital was respiratory distress, not anencephaly. Although the judge recognized the ...
Baby Brian Gitau, who was born with a rare brain condition known as anencephaly. Consolata Mission Hospital has launched a funds drive to help raise Sh2 million for his treatment. [Photo ...
“At Dr. Dennard’s 11-week ultrasound visit, however, her baby was diagnosed with anencephaly,” her attorneys wrote. “Dr. Dennard knew immediately the prognosis for both her and her baby. Her doctor ...
Anencephalic infants, who are born with virtually no brain beyond the brain stem—the most primitive, ancient part—react to sweetness with the same joyful-seeming facial expressions I saw in ...
The Texas Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to the state's abortion ban — a response to a lawsuit filed last year by a ...
Samantha Casiano’s expected child was diagnosed with anencephaly, a fatal birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of a brain or skull. She was forced to give birth to a three-pound ...
There was no mercy for my daughter.” Her story: Casiano learned at her 20-week scan that her baby had a fatal condition called anencephaly and would not survive. She did not have the resources ...
Baby Shane Michael Haley, cherished son of Jenna Gassew and Daniel Haley, Jr., after being born with Anencephaly and living for almost four hours was called to the Lord on October 9, 2014.
Hope's brave parents Emma Lee and husband Drew, from Newmarket, Suffolk, said they found out 13 weeks into the pregnancy that their baby daughter was suffering from anencephaly - a rare condition ...
However, the birth of baby Bodhi has brought some light into ... having been born with the fatal brain condition anencephaly. His story inspired the Mirror's Change The Law For Life campaign ...
As it stands today, abortions are allowed in Brazil at at point during pregnancy when the pregnancy is the result of rape, as ...