The story of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius is no longer one of annihilation; it also includes the people who managed to ...
For hundreds of years, Pompeii remained buried under its volcanic blanket. It was rediscovered in the late 16th century, and ...
On Aug. 24, in A.D. 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, shooting over 3 cubic miles of debris up to 20 miles (32.1 kilometers) in the air. As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it buried the ancient cities ...
When Mount Vesuvius spewed forth lava ... they noticed that a red and black substance covered the victims’ bones, the inside of their skulls, and the spot where they were excavated.
Scaffolding found near the drawings indicates the area was under construction at the time of Mount Vesuvius’ famed eruption ... there is an air of precariousness inside, park officials said.
It's often been depicted that there were no survivors following Mount Vesuvius' eruption in A.D. 79 but the latest finds suggest that narrative isn't entirely true. A new PBS documentary titled ...
On Aug. 24, in A.D. 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, shooting over 3 cubic miles of debris up to 20 miles in the air. As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it buried the ancient cities of Pompeii and ...
A tourist from the Netherlands has defaced a frescoed wall in an ancient Roman house in Herculaneum, near Naples, damaging a building that survived the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD ...
A young man from the Netherlands was reprimanded by Italian police after he allegedly vandalized a historic Roman wall while on holiday. The incident took place in Herculaneum, an Ancient Roman ...
On Aug. 24, in A.D. 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, shooting over 3 cubic miles of debris up to 20 miles (32.1 kilometers) in the air. As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it buried the ancient cities ...