The Iranian national freestyle wrestling team has extended invitations to 12 wrestlers for a training camp in Tehran, in ...
Three members of the Purdue Wrestling team will make the trek to Geneva, Ohio to compete in the USA Wrestling freestyle events being held at the Spire Institute on Saturday. Orland Cruz (79kg) and ...
Oklahoma State has hired Olympic gold medalist David Taylor as its wrestling coach ... in the 86-kilogram freestyle class at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 when he beat Iran's Hassan Yazdani.
Azerbaijani U20 freestyle wrestlers have earned seven medals, inducing three golds at the Skhireli Cup 2024 held in Georgia, ...
Biden administration officials have reportedly tried to talk Britain and France out of censuring Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency's board meeting. AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File Not ...
Iran on Thursday began the formal registration of presidential candidates to replace the late Ebrahim Raisi. DAILY POST recalls that Raisi and seven members of his entourage, including foreign ...
The red lines regarding Iran have been breached. Iran has become, de facto, a near-nuclear country. We must stop it and reverse its course. On Monday, the IAEA published a report saying that Iran ...
Vienna — Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels, according to a confidential report on Monday by the United Nations' nuclear watchdog ...
Iran’s hardline former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has registered to run for president in the country’s June 28 election, organized after the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash ...
Iran has begun the registration period for candidates wanting to run for the country's presidency ahead of a snap vote at the end of June. The election's winner will replace the late Ebrahim Raisi ...
Iran increased its stockpile of near bomb-grade uranium, a move that could flame tensions across the wider Middle East as Tehran prepares to hold presidential elections next month. It’s the ...
Iran is continuing to enrich uranium to near weapons-grade after UN talks have stalled, the UN's nuclear watchdog has warned. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said that Iran's ...