Donald Trump has made a triumphant return to Capitol Hill to meet with House and Senate Republicans for the first time since ...
House Republicans will meet privately with Donald Trump as the former president returns to Capitol Hill for the first time ...
The Capitol Building (left) and the White House will be two historic venues that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will grace during his state visit. (Wikimedia Commons/michiel1972 (left) and Wikimedia ...
WASHINGTON -- Donald Trump made a return to Capitol Hill on Thursday, his first with lawmakers since the Jan. 6, 2021, ...
However, some moderate members are expected to skip the meeting, such as Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, Lisa Murkowski, ...
The Hill summit marked a pivot point in the GOP campaign to recapture the White ... House, win the Senate majority and expand control of the House. Former president Donald Trump swooped down on ...
A list of construction workers building the White House in 1795 ... for early government buildings, including the White House and U.S. Capitol. According to records kept by the White House ...
Capitol Police are investigating ... just a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol building. Just before 1pm EST on Wednesday, a baggie of a suspicious white substance was found, which later tested ...
Another claim posted on Facebook in 2021 stated that “President Joe Biden has the audacity to Cancel National Prayer Day at ...
Washington, D.C., will play host to both the Capital Pride Parade and the Surround the White House for Gaza protest on ...
The Liberty Building is the latest in a string of defaults and foreclosure notices for offices in the nation’s capital.
The fencing like the fencing around the U.S. Capitol after Jan 6th. This fencing circles the White House, Old Executive Office Building and Treasury Dept. #Protests #Security #WhiteHouse pic ...