U S Senate candidate Kari Lake called for the return of God in American culture Friday as she claimed at a Christian ...
Latino and Hispanic voters are critical in swaying elections after being identified as the second-fastest growing racial and ...
The optics of a Confederate flag behind Lake on the Arizona campaign trail can only hamper her efforts to appeal to moderates ...
A group of Arizona sheriffs knocked GOP Senate candidate Kari Lake in a statement Friday over remarks she made about a ...
After months of lagging in fundraising and public polling, Kari Lake's campaign sought to reset the U.S. Senate race ...
Kari Lake's appearance in front of a Confederate flag may not be a liability in a GOP primary but could hurt her with other ...
Lake has the endorsement of former President Donald Trump and has already set her sights on Democrat Ruben Gallego.
Kari Lake speaks on May 31, 2024, at the Trumped Store in Show Low, Arizona, with a Confederate flag as a backdrop.
Democratic candidates have leads in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan and Arizona — but strategists aligned with both ...
Here's what you need to know about the Democrat, the Republicans and the Green Party candidates running for the U.S. Senate seat from Arizona.
Republican Kari Lake has lost an Arizona appeals court challenge arguing that thousands of Phoenix-area mail ballot ...
Republicans are increasingly optimistic they can end their four-year stint in the Senate minority and topple the incumbents Democrats are relying on to carry the cycle with less than six months ...