This is also the site of the Kerch Strait bridge, which was meant to connect Crimea with the ... anti-aircraft systems and warships normally based there, the area is now largely defenseless. Every ...
There are just a few ways to ship large quantities of cargo into Crimea from Russia. But the most voluminous supply line is ...
Ukrainians used home-produced drones and long-range Neptune missiles to hit Russia’s Krasnodar in the early hours of Friday.
The Kerch Strait Bridge serves as a key supply route ... the Crimean Bridge was blocked," he added. "Traffic on the bridge has now resumed." The SHOT Telegram channel, a Russian channel that ...
The extensive damage to the Kerch Strait bridge in Crimea after the Ukrainian sabotage attack on October 12, 2022 (Picture: EPA-EFE) Deploying Magura V5 maritime drones, the unit claimed to have ...
There was no reported damage to the Kerch Strait Bridge, which re-opened within the hour following the explosions, the Telegram channel Radar Crimea reported. At least three naval drones were ...
In 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin opened the Kerch Strait Bridge, a large connection between Russia's Krasnodar region and Crimea, which Moscow annexed four years prior. The bridge was ...
A homemade explosive device equivalent to 10 tonnes of TNT was used to blow up the Crimean (Kerch Strait) Bridge in October 2022. It was based on solid rocket fuel concealed in reels of ...
a sandy island located in the middle of the Kerch Strait The promotion of the BRICS currency initiative is relevant now more than ever as "the global financial architecture has failed in recent ...
UKRAINE blasted two Russian oil depots in a massive strike with eight powerful Neptune missiles and kamikaze drones. Raging ...
The extensive damage to the Kerch Strait bridge in Crimea after the Ukrainian sabotage attack on October 12, 2022 (Picture: EPA-EFE) Deploying Magura V5 maritime drones, the unit claimed to have ...