The North Koreans along the border, Seoul says, have been installing what appear to be anti-tank barriers, reinforcing roads ...
Emergency phone alerts are not unusual in South Korea but in recent weeks a handful have certainly caught the eye: warning ...
North Korean soldiers have been sent into the mine-strewn buffer zone to do construction work since November, the South ...
1980s — Following Mikhail Gorbachev’s rise to power, the Soviet Union begins to reduce aid to North Korea and to favor ...
Since the brutal war in the 1950s that split the land, the two Koreas have developed in completely different ways. South ... North Korea, Russia," said Ms Town. "It could very quickly escalate ...
Vladimir Putin promised unspecified technological help to North Korea, which could allow it to advance its nuclear weapons ...
By Hyonhee Shin, Josh Smith and Guy Faulconbridge SEOUL/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in North ...
The move is certain to anger Pyongyang and could trigger retaliatory military steps as tensions between the war-divided ...
The move is certain to anger Pyongyang and could trigger retaliatory military steps as tensions between the war-divided ... North Korea continued to fly hundreds of balloons into South Korea ...
North Korea sent a fleet of balloons carrying excrement and trash into South Korea ... In another sign of tensions between the war-divided rivals, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said ...
In the future, North Korea will respond to such leaflet launches by sending “dozens of times” more balloons into the South, said Kim’s statement, which was posted to the state-run Korean ...