If you’re lying awake on a summer night and a noise from outside is keeping you up, chances are the creature responsible is not some bigger animal like a mammal or a bird, but a tiny bug! (Or several.
Insects also use sound to communicate ... This is why it can be hard to find a chirping cricket that’s inside your house – it’s probably tucked into a vent or the corner of an attic ...
McMahon's idea is simple and a testament to the axiom that necessity is the mother of invention and he's created a successful ...
as their chirp is also produced by males trying to woo female mates. But crickets make their sound by rubbing specialized body parts on their wings together – they do not have tymbals.
Buddy Holly’s band was sometimes called the “Chirping” Crickets, but well-known instrumental band members ... backup vocal ...
The notoriously loud insects rub parts of their body together to create the well-known “chirp, chirp, chirp.” However, in a cave deep in the Amazon rainforest, one species of cricket hops ...
while a scene at night could use the sound of crickets chirping. Music can influence pace on stage. For example, a fast piece of music with a pulsing drum and bass rhythm will energise a scene.
Insects also use sound to communicate, most often to attract mates ... This is why it can be hard to find a chirping cricket that’s inside your house – it’s probably tucked into a vent or the corner ...