Renaissance scholarship proved fatal for one of the medieval papacy's favorite claims. What does the fall of Constantinople in 1453 have to do with the exposure of a famous forgery? For a half ...
She is a specialist of the Avignon Papacy and of the Great Western Schism and is a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America. Her most recent publications are Avignon and its Papacy, 1309-1417: Popes, ...
Contrary to popular perception, the medieval papacy challenged the Jew-hatred of its day, in a way Catholics can derive inspiration from today. The Jew-hatred on display at some campus protests ...
In this vein, my research centers on the history of ecclesiastical institutions, such as the papacy, church councils and synods ... used as a liturgical vestment and a papal badge, which the medieval ...
Even at the height of the papacy's temporal power, when medieval and Renaissance popes deposed emperors, appointed kings, and divided the world among competing colonizers; even during the ...
September 3, 590: Gregory I ("the Great") is consecrated pope. Historians remember him as the father of the medieval papacy and last of four Latin "Doctors of the Church." He was the first pope to ...
What are the best medieval games? Rare is a videogame that doesn’t feature at least one sword, suit of armor, or roast chicken. Still, they’re usually mixed in with bearded hermits slinging ...
Trumbull created its iconography. Contrary to popular perception, the medieval papacy challenged the Jew-hatred of its day, in a way Catholics can derive inspiration from today. Lessons from one ...
He continued his work for the papacy until the death of Pope Celestine ... The fear of damnation was widespread in the medieval Christian world, and the Catholic Church had control over the ...
The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies relies on the talents, scholarship and research of affiliated faculty across Saint Louis University, including faculty in the departments of English, ...
Most of my work focusses on the history of the institutional church - i.e. the papacy & its actors - and the development ... councils, and assemblies in medieval life. My monograph, focussing on the ...