Secretary of State Antony Blinken continued his tour of the Middle East on Tuesday ... U.S. arms to Israel was enabling the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and inflaming anger toward Washington ...
Romeo Gacad/AFP/Getty Images U.S. administrations have backed sweeping efforts for societal change in the Middle East in ...
The group is composed of self-serving, violent extremists who prioritize armed struggle over effective governance and the ...
I cover crisis-related news ... many as 20 civilian aircraft to help evacuate Afghans from Europe and the Middle East. In his speech to the country on Friday, Biden said, did not point fingers ...
It was a Middle East crisis that brought down Jimmy Carter ... ammunition abandoned by U.S. forces in their hasty exit from ...
Welcome back to our live coverage of the crisis in the Middle East. Here’s a rundown of ... drawing parallels to the American experience in Afghanistan and Iraq. I said to Bibi, ‘Don’t ...
President Joe Biden has made his view on responding to foreign attacks painfully clear: America and its allies will fight ...
This latest natural disaster comes after drought in Afghanistan, and is being seen as an example of a climate crisis hitting those who have least contributed to rising global temperatures.
Iraqis want to help Palestinians but say they are still recovering from their own wars and fear playing host to a proxy fight ...
The attack, done on coordination with the Somlia government, targeted a group of ISIS militants operating near Dhaardaar in ...
NEW DELHI: Heavy rains have caused devastating flash floods in northern Afghanistan ... was reduced. The crisis has worsened in recent years as foreign governments grapple with competing global ...
Russia has invited Afghanistan's Taliban to its biggest annual economic forum as Moscow moves to remove a ban on the Islamist ...