Computer simulations suggest that a collision with another planetary object early in Earth’s history may have provided the ...
Over 4.2 billion years ago, the moon turned itself inside out to create the lunar surface that has become familiar to humanity. Most scientists would agree the moon was created around 4.5 billion ...
Benjamin Weiss and his team were able to determine that the shield was at its most powerful 4 billion years ago when the Moon was closer to the planet. As the Moon moved away, its core began to ...
The moon is slowly moving away from us. About 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars-sized object (or perhaps a series of many smaller objects) crashed into Earth, sending bits of Earth's crust into space.
The moon's gradual distance from Earth, about 3.8 cm per year, has profound effects on our planet. It lengthens days over ...
As the Moon gets farther away, it slows down Earth’s rotation, and working backwards from the present day the researchers determined that around 1.4 billion years ago the Moon would have been ...
Oxygen ratios in ancient zircon crystals suggest that the planet’s water cycle got started hundreds of millions of years earlier than thought.
China hails its lunar probe mission as a success after unfurling a Chinese flag on the far side of the moon and collecting ...
Contrary to long-held assumptions, experts believe the Moon has been slowly moving away from us for millions of years.
Jan. 16, 2024 — New research shows the early lunar crust which makes up the surface of the Moon was considerably enriched in water more than 4 billion years ago, counter to previously held ...
The mission is the sixth in the Chang’e moon exploration program, and the second designed to bring back samples.
Ancient grains of zircon crystals contain evidence suggesting dry land and freshwater may have existed on Earth 4 billion ...