Pompeii is often viewed as a city eternally locked in its final moments, but recent archaeological findings reveal how its ...
The Herculaneum archaeological park is the site where, as Mount Vesuvius erupted, hundreds of people are said to have flocked ...
"In the eruption that buried Pompeii and Herculaneum ... something like a CSI: Vesuvius. Over the past decade the project has rewritten the story of the nearby volcano, adding ominous fuel ...
Located at the base of the volcano Mount Vesuvius, near what is now modern-day Naples, Pompeii was a thriving ancient Roman city. Under the Romans, it underwent serious urban redevelopment which ...
2,000-year-old DNA is revealing more about the people who died during the fateful eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The superheated ...
At Pompeii, numerous artifacts and structures have been found, offering an intriguing glimpse of another time. After the ...
ARCHAEOLOGISTS believe they have discovered the “lost” survivors of Pompeii who made it through the horror 18-hour volcanic ...
The north slope of Mount Vesuvius has largely been ignored archaeologically ... First, while sites to the south and west of ...
The incident took place in Herculaneum, an Ancient Roman town that – like Pompeii – was covered in volcanic ash from the ...
Artist's illustration of Mount Vesuvius erupting. An infamous eruption of the volcano in A.D. 79 destroyed the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. Artist's illustration of Mount Vesuvius erupting.
Pompeii officials said the men apparently escaped the initial fall of ash from Mount Vesuvius then succumbed to a powerful volcanic blast that took place the next morning. The later blast ...
We had just uncovered stunning frescos inspired by the Trojan War painted on the splendid black walls of a banqueting hall during our excavation in insula 10 of Regio IX at Pompeii. They had been ...