The Herculaneum archaeological park in Ercolano also contains the remains of 330 people who died fleeing the volcano, which engulfed the ancient city and Pompeii.
For hundreds of years, Pompeii remained buried under its volcanic blanket. It was rediscovered in the late 16th century, and ...
It has been thousands of years since the eruption of Mount Vesuvius left the Roman city of Pompeii in ruins, but the ancient ...
On Aug. 24, in A.D. 79, Mount ... Roman inscriptions on places ranging from walls to tombstones, I found evidence of over 200 survivors in 12 cities. These municipalities are primarily in the general ...
One of those occasions was just unearthed in Pompeii in the south of Italy, highlighting how ancient Roman culture ...
An exhibition showcasing cultural relics belonging to the Roman Empire opened at the Guangdong Museum in Guangzhou, Guangdong ...
A tourist has defaced a frescoed wall in an ancient Roman house in Herculaneum, near Naples, damaging a building that survived the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, Italian police said ...
A young man from the Netherlands was reprimanded by Italian police after he allegedly vandalized a historic Roman wall while on holiday. The incident took place in Herculaneum, an Ancient Roman town ...
Herculaneum, like Pompeii, was buried under volcanic ash during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius ...
Two sets of human remains, a variety of paintings, and a handful of childrens’ doodles were recently found in Pompeii, the ancient Roman town ... ash spewed up by Mount Vesuvius—the city ...
On Aug. 24, in A.D. 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, shooting over 3 cubic miles of debris up to 20 miles (32.1 kilometers) in the air. As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it buried the ancient cities ...