NASA has confirmed that a nearly 2-pound chunk ... roof and two floors of a Florida man's house last month came from the International Space Station. The space administration said in a blog ...
The mysterious object that crashed through the roof of a Florida home last month did indeed come from the International Space Station (ISS), NASA has confirmed ... the debris to be a stanchion ...
(AP) — NASA confirmed Monday that a mystery object that crashed through the roof of a Florida home last month was a chunk of space junk from equipment discarded at the International Space Station ...
"It was just wild. It was crazy-looking. I really didn't know what to think." ...
It’s raining space junk. Just one month after NASA admitted that a piece of trash tossed from the International Space Station (ISS ... was also suspected to have come from SpaceX’s Dragon ...
(AP) — NASA confirmed Monday that a mystery object that crashed through the roof of a Florida home last month was a chunk of space junk from equipment discarded at the International Space Station ...
NAPLES, Fla. (AP) — NASA confirmed Monday that a mystery object that crashed through the roof of a Florida home last month was a chunk of space junk from equipment discarded at the International ...