You'll just need to cut off the top section under the arms and sew up the top and bottom. To upcycle clothes into a pillow ... through the casing to make it fit you comfortably. There's no rule about ...
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Dress to Apron Upcycle
There is no other way to say it. I spill ... (You can also use a zigzag stitch on a sewing machine for this.) You can see the white stitches across the top of the skirt piece here. I gathered the ...
A new business started by a South Milwaukee resident, advertised as a "trippy little gift shop," has found its home and ...
Zero-waste fashion refers to the design and production of clothing that leaves no fabric scraps behind. Traditional garment ...
SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Teacher-turned-fashion designer Christin Alegre is sowing seeds of sustainability through her passion for sewing. Her brand SOW/SEW Studio is dedicated to developing custom ...
Haverford High grad Abigail Schmucker is one of three area recipients of the Evans Scholarship, offering full tuition and ...