The planetary boundaries framework defines biophysical and biochemical ... biosphere integrity; climate change; and novel entities, such as synthetic chemicals and nuclear waste, and biogeochemical ...
With deeper understanding of the interconnections between all the boundaries, stakeholders are building more comprehensive ...
Negotiators at the UN climate summit in Dubai have agreed to "transitioning away from fossil fuels," but the deal isn't legally binding and can't force nations to act. Environmental lawyers around ...
Last year, the centre concluded that the planetary boundary relating to “novel entities” (chemicals and plastics to you and me) was breached – meaning that we are releasing more chemicals ...
From natural science to social science, from risks to solutions, from identifying Planetary Boundaries to managing Global Commons: PIK is advancing the frontier of integrated research for global ...
The team's innovative approach may enable the successful detection of HFGWs by utilizing existing and technologically feasible astronomical telescopes in planetary magnetosphere, opening up new ...
It is one thing to say, ”Boy, it’s hot out” — and another thing to show it. That’s the pitch behind “sWarm,” an art installation and information resource created by climate artist ...
of the nine planetary boundaries humans have breached six: climate change, biosphere integrity, freshwater change, land system change, biogeochemical flows and novel entities. While atmospheric ...
Now a new book makes the case for systemic change ... could add to nitrogen pollution that already exceeds safe planetary boundaries.
Tires contain 400+ chemicals and microplastics that can contaminate air, water and land, and which put increased pressure on the novel entities, freshwater, and aerosols planetary boundaries.
de Paula, Nicole Baunach, Sabine Mar, Kathleen Gepp, Sophie Jung, Laura and Otieno, Melvine Anyango 2022. Handbook of Human and Planetary Health. p. 79. Ip, Eric C. and Cheung, Daisy 2022. Mapping the ...