Official White House photographer Pete Souza captured the iconic moment when Obama, military brass and White House staffers watched the raid on Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room. But ...
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden’s stunning blue gown at the state dinner for Kenya turned heads. She was looking stunning in a very ...
New York’s former “hottest bachelor” Eric Schmidt has been spotted back with his wife Wendy — after he plowed $100 million ...
They were in the Situation Room, the high-security White House command complex where presidents ... it looks the part. “It has interior glass dividers that can go opaque and wall screens that ...
The White House — yep, the one located in Washington, D.C. — has been home to the presidents of the United States since John ...
Among those who have said as much include BRIAN WALLACH, the former Obama White House counsel staffer who ... and it doesn’t ...
How Press Secretary Josh Earnest made sure he knew what Obama was thinking Josh Earnest, White House press secretary since 2014, was there when Barack Obama was running for president, and he'll be ...
The White House stressed in its announcement ... She previously worked in the Obama administration when then-Interior Secretary Ken Salazar appointed her in 2010 to serve as director of Everglades ...
From the passage of the Affordable Care Act to the mission to capture Osama bin Laden, "The Obama White House Era" provides a compelling and intimate portrayal of one of the most significant ...
"As a hip hop girl from Philly who had no degree, the Obamas were like, 'We like you,'" said, Dyer referring to former President Barack Obama and ... when I got the White House internship ...
Worlds collided at the White House as everyone—from former President Clinton and Hillary Clinton to actor Sean Penn, NFL ...
The Bidens invited more than 450 guests, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Carol Moseley Braun, Melinda Gates, Lester Holt, ...