However, the annual celebration of Robert Burns has only now been added to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). The terms ‘Burns Night’ and ‘Burns Supper’ have been included in the ...
Prof Mugglestone says that as the centenary of Johnson's dictionary was being marked in 1855, the Lowe sisters began writing ...
Here are the letters of the alphabet ranked according to how frequently they showed up in the 2004 Concise Oxford English Dictionary. E A ...
When they got to a segment called "What’s Your Word?" in which listeners pitched words they thought should be in the ...
Adopting this strategic framework inspired by a lifetime in sports can elevate your abilities and maximize your business ...
"Wordsmith and broadcaster Kel Richards says people should never use the words biweekly, bimonthly or ...
The Bookseller is the incisive and independent source of news and analysis for the book trade and publishing industry. Get ...
Dr Clare's interviewee was Norman Stone, the hard-talking, hard-drinking former Professor of Modern History at Oxford University. Stone spoke in a typically unguarded manner about his time there.
BRUGGER: A Facebook meme says, “Old is ten years older than I am.” In other words, what is old is a matter of the perspective ...
By Edmund E. TERKPERNORMarried together, the words “financial” and “technology” begets Fintech. Fintech offers a digital and thus convenient means of accessing one’s finances. A currency on the other ...
Midway between Flag Day and the Fourth of July seems like the perfect time to reflect on what it means to be an American.