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For informational purposes only. Consult a medical professional for advice. Source: Focus Medica Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a long-term skin condition that occurs when dead skin cells ...
Scrub typhus leaves a large scar known as an ‘eschar,’ which is a significant finding for diagnosis. The bite mark initially forms a papule, which then turns into a vesicle and ulcer, and is finally ...
BRATISLAVA - Dentálna starostlivosť a kvalitný chrup je jedným z predpokladov dobrého zdravotného stavu a napredovania nášho ...
It appears clinically as a sharply demarcated pink or red scaly plaque or papule. It may also be hyperkeratotic or fissured. Approximately 5% of Bowen's disease may progress into SCC ...
Skin examination showed an 8 mm × 10 mm irregularly shaped two-toned brown papule with ill-defined light brown to pink medial and lower borders, and a dark-brown central area localized to the ...
WASHINGTON - Porota súdu v americkom štáte Delaware v utorok uznala Huntera Bidena, syna prezidenta USA Joea Bidena, za ...