BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) -Port worker unions in Argentina cut short a planned strike in grains shipping ports in the Rosario ...
Full navigation was thus restored on the Paraná River waterway. The task of freeing the vessel, while ensuring that no damage was done to the structure, was entrusted to the Argentine Ports ...
A Minnesota Boat Club eight-man scull plies the waters of the Mississippi River on a training row in St. Paul early Aug. 19, 2009. (John Doman / Pioneer Press) Wondering how long the Mississippi ...
The actor's adventure reaches Argentina and sees Robson head to the Parana river to lay baited lines for the short-tailed river stingray. We’re sorry, the ...
The Nile was at the heart of ancient Egyptian civilisation, and the location of so many pyramids some distance away from the river has until now not been fully explained. In a new study published ...
Scientists have discovered a long-buried branch of the Nile river that once flowed alongside more than 30 pyramids in Egypt, potentially solving the mystery of how ancient Egyptians transported ...
Terminales y Servicios S.A. is to build a new agro-industrial port at the town of Timbúes in the Argentinian province of Santa Fe.
WE DEPEND ON RIVER DOLPHINS Where freshwater dolphin populations are thriving, it is likely that the overall river systems will be flourishing too – as well as all of the communities, companies and ...
A website that ranks small to mid-sized cities across America has, for the second year in a row, listed Fall River among the 100 best cities in the country thanks to its parks, restaurants and ...
Europe has no shortage of marquee tourist hot spots, but Diamond Meadows’ first river cruise there didn’t include them. The 28-year-old graduate student took a cruise along the Rhine and ...