Lucy is popularly depicted as being hairy, but new evidence suggests she wasn't. The discovery prompts new questions about ...
Lucy, a 3.2-million-year-old fossilized hominin, may have been much less hairy than we imagine—a perhaps shocking revelation ...
Nine cut marks on a fossilized shin bone suggest that ancient human relatives butchered and possibly ate one another 1.45 million years ago, according to a new study. The fossilized tibia was ...
Fifty years ago, scientists discovered a nearly complete fossilized skull and hundreds of pieces of bone of a ...
An examination of certain bones -- a tibia (leg bone ... In 1976, members of a team led by Mary Leakey discovered the fossilized footprints of human ancestors in Laetoli, Africa.
Nine cut marks on the fossilized shin bone of a Homo sapien ancestor may indicate that early human relatives may have been cannibals who butchered and ate each other. Researchers from the ...
The co-author called the pterosaur family a bunch of "demonic pelicans," owing to their large bucket-like mouths for scooping ...
It’s the sh—tiest museum in the world. George Frandsen, who holds the Guinness World Record for the largest collection of fossilized feces, opened a museum of his findings in Williams ...
"There are pieces that are truly one of a kind, including a dinosaur bone that has a coprolite ... the Lloyds Bank coprolite is fossilized human feces that was recovered by the York Archaeological ...
Fossilized bones found in Australia have been identified as a new species of flying dinosaur. The "fearsome" predator lived ...