sharing pictures of Filippo Sorcinelli, an Italian perfumer and designer who has designed and created "sacred vestments, ...
Just two weeks ago, the pope was caught using the anti-gay slur “Frociaggine” (a Roman Italian word meaning “f—ggotness.”) ...
Why is Christian Science in our name? Our name is about honesty. The Monitor is owned by The Christian Science Church, and we’ve always been transparent about that. The Church publishes the ...
Appointment to Lithuania’s capital city of Vilnius is in the works, according to an Italian Catholic news outlet.
His pontificate was among the shortest—barely seven and a half years. However, Pope Benedict XV stands tall, even among his sainted successors (not for nothing did Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger take ...
The Pope appealed to St. Benedict for help "to hold firm Christ's central position in our lives. May he always be first in our thoughts and in all our activities!" Before concluding, Benedict XVI ...
President Joe Biden will meet privately with Pope Francis on Friday on the sidelines of the G7 summit in southern Italy, in ...
Pope Francis is set to attend the G7 summit on Friday and is expected to urge world leaders to adopt AI regulations, a ...
God's Influencer,' 15, Set to Become First Millennial Saint After Pope Francis Recognizes Second Miracle Pope Francis Concedes Surrogacy Could Be a Woman's Only Hope but Says It's 'Not Authorized ...
Pope John senior shortstop Mac Tufts stopped ... Tufts saw the ball trickle away from St. Benedict’s first baseman after the ball handcuffed him.