Afterward, environmental groups warned the talks were at risk of collapsing ... not by a global treaty on plastic pollution. But scientists and environmental advocates calling for global chemical ...
The informal waste and recovery sector (IWRS) is more than a minor player in worldwide municipal solid waste management ...
Final talks on a global plastic waste treaty ... we haven't yet found it in the plastic pollution treaty," he said. McCauley has a collection of plastic from his time on the atoll at Midway ...
The focus should be on eliminating plastic pollution, without eliminating the benefits of plastic, he said. When the treaty talks began in Uruguay in December 2022, factions quickly came into focus.
With time running out to agree on a legally binding global treaty to end plastic pollution, delegates must hold firm on ...
This one-off special episode looks at INC-4 with University of Portsmouth experts who attended the fourth round of the Global ...
The U.S. government expanded its public-private partnership approach to reducing plastics pollution, with the U.S. Agency for ...
UN begins talks in Paris on a treaty to end global plastic pollution The self-named "high ambition coalition" of countries, led by Norway and Rwanda, want limits on plastic production and ...
This spirit is more important than ever in addressing the global crisis of plastic pollution. As we look forward to INC-5, ...
Members of the United Nations have finished another round of negotiations on a treaty to reduce global plastic pollution.
Negotiators from about 175 countries have been sparring for more than a year over a treaty to clean up plastic pollution that's choking rivers and piling up in landfills. As a critical new round of ...